Lecture 4

The screen can be a static medium. The meaning of

– Static is: of forces not causing movement.  Motionless.

– Kinetic: Relating to change over time and motion.

Andy Polaine describes himself as “an experience designer focusing on playful interactions and service design research within the field interactive concept development” he is based in Germany but also moved to Australia in 1999. He assisted the development of Animal logic’s Interactive Department and played a curial role in the Matrix movie saga. He was a lecture and the head of media arts in UNSW COFA, and writes for Desktop Magazine and has recently completed his PHD in UTS entitled “Developing a language of interactivity through the theory of play”

Designing with Play in mind, makes for interactive, engaging and fun products. It can (depending on the brief and target audience of a project be central to all production considerations, this is specially the case in gaming. For Polanie the concept of play is central, to  interative design in both the interactive experience and the design of an interactive. His  Definition of  Interaction Design reads


“I think is simple; we design interactions. Those might be interations between people, machines ,and screen and they might be interations between two or more people. It is a combotions of how elements function- what they look like , what they do and what they look like they do. And the experience of using them. In many cases, it’s about making about complicated things easier and more pleasurable to use.