Lecture 2


Example of interactivity


Interactivity , Information  Architecture, Time and Motion, Narrative and Interface are the five key design areas that contribute to the design of interactive products.In Interactivity you need to consider how does the user do, feel and know. Cognition is the science of how we process information, how we possessive the world, and what their internal metal model is of the outside world. This is vital to designers more so for screen based designs.


example of information architecture

The definition given by Sharp, Rogers and Preece of interation design is “Designing interactive products to support people in their everyday lives”. Winograd definds it as “ The design of spaces for human communication and interaction

Interactivity can be associated with – of or relating program that responds to user activity, working together so the total effect is grater then the sum and capable of acting on or influencing each other



example of interface


Interactivity has to have all its components running  cohesively in order for it to work. They all rely together to achieve a common goal, which is to satisfy the users needs. When designing Interactivity you need to what emotions, actions and knowledge you bring out of the user to have success.